Every effort has been made to make The Yorkshire Hive accessible to all guests.
Please visit our 'How to Get Here' page for full travel details and directions via road, bus and rail.
Car Parking and Arrival
The Hive has on-site car parking with a section of spaces reserved for blue badge holders only. The car park is a private car park so, once parked, you can bring your blue badge into the Park with you as proof of eligibility for our discounted rates.
There is a designated 'Drop off' point located at the entrance to The Hive.
Yorkshire Hive
The Yorkshire Hive is level and paved throughout.
Guest Services is located by the Yorkshire Wildlife Park entrance through the Yorkshire Hive. This building contains a lowered counter section as well as lowered accessible window number 5.
There are several independent shops in the Yorkshire Hive. They are all accessed via single-width or double doors. All staff will be more than happy to assist where required.
The Hive is well lit with artificial lighting for evening events and in the winter months when sunlight is reduced.

Public Facilities
Toilet facilities are located throughout The Hive and Yorkshire Wildlife park.
Courtyard toilets with accessible button door:
1 accessible toilet with baby change facility, 8 female toilets one with baby change, 2 male toilets, one with baby change and 4 urinals. Lowered sink counter in male and female toilets.
Changing Places facility: Located within the Yorkshire Hive courtyard toilet facilities there is one Changing Places toilet with height adjustable changing bench, ceiling track hoist (SWL;205kg), height-adjustable wash basin, toilet with alarm pull cord, privacy screen and shower unit. Radar key and sling required.
If you require any assistance, please visit the Guest Services building or call us on 01302 535057.
Yorkshire Wildlife Park entrance toilets: 1 accessible toilet, 6 women's toilets, one with baby change facility, 3 mens cubicles and 3 male urinals.
For information about accessibility at Yorkshire Wildlife Park, please visit the YWP site.
A limited number of Manual Wheelchairs are available to pre-book. Please call 01302 535057 to make your reservation. Guests are welcome to bringing along their own wheelchair or mobility scooter.
Assistance dogs are welcome throughout the park, except in animal walkthrough areas. On arrival we ask that you make a member of staff in the ticket kiosks aware that there will be an assistance dog onsite so they can explain any restrictions to you and inform the animal teams.
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